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The Charity

Matthew passed away in September 2023 and has left a huge hole in our lives. We want to set up a charity in Matthews's name so no other parent can suffer such a similar devastating loss.


Matthew was a force to be reckoned with, he set up his own business, became a social media influencer, was a presenter on ITV This Moning and got involved in local politics to try and make a change in the local and wider community.


Matthew had undiagnosed ADHD and while many people see ADHD still as a naughty schoolboy. The existence of ADHD is much more far-reaching. There are many co-existing conditions which can come with ADHD which are harmful and devastating.


To name but a few these include Substance Abuse and Suicide which are devastating to both those involved and the wider community around these people. There is detailed research on why this happens and treatment is available.


As Matthews's parents, we want to raise awareness of these coexisting conditions so no other parent, friend or colleague should suffer such dramatic grief.


We would like to set up a charity to promote awareness of ADHD and the far-reaching effects it can have on those around people who have the diagnosis. ADHD can be a superpower with many successful people diagnosed with it and we want to unlock the full potential of those who have the condition by promoting awareness and diagnosis of the condition.


Richard and Christine

Matthew - Guardian Inside Shed with Smoke Machine.jpg
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